Sunday, August 9, 2020

This is Reality 

Religion is not real.  

Do not "believe in" God. 

Do you go to your mother or father and say, "Dear mother, I believe in you"? 

No! You say, "Dear mother, I love you." 

Just as your parents, so is God real.

Religion is garbage. Throw it away. 

God is real. You are real. 

Love is real.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Get Through This

Awe and reverence for God are more powerful than any fear created by man. Do your divine purpose, stay safe, and we will get through this.

Friday, February 21, 2020


     There was a ranch-style door. That door always fascinated me. I’d see those types of doors in television’s perfect family homes. Ward and June Cleaver had one. So did the family on “Father Knows Best” have a ranch-style door. The ranch-style door is half a door high. I was tall enough that on my toes, I could see into the room. When looking in, I could always see Mr. N, the school janitor sitting on his chair behind that door. He was a big man. When not behind his door, he would pick me up and sling me around like I imagined a Ferris wheel ride would be. Oh, what a ride! One day he beckoned me into this room.

     I was being noticed. Me, called into this special place behind a perfect door. Wait, this got better because, in the hand resting on his knee, was candy. There was a condition. He wanted me to sit on his lap. That was okay, I thought. After all, I sat on my father’s lap. But oh, no!. I feel his finger, sliding underneath my dress and pushing my panties aside, touching my vagina. All I saw was the candy. Then he turned me around to see his penis. He wanted me to kiss it. All I saw was the candy. There must have been sores on it. I had fever sores on my lips until Junior High School. Not until twenty-two years later did I remember this consciously.

     What also became very conscious was how that day has been shaping my world well into adulthood. The edges began to blur, and the lines started to fade. I was caught in a world that no longer existed. That world that no longer existed was the past. My imagination took a hold of me. I pleaded with the six-year-old girl. I chastised the now middle-aged woman. Then an ocean of tears in supplication for justice began to pour out.

     Listen here old self. The little me was speaking. This is my soliloquy. In all the years I have been a part of you, I have become quite sophisticated. Me and you is I. I know that humankind’s will repudiates and denies his responsibility toward good and evil. He blames good and evil on the “collective mind.” There is no such thing as the collective mind. The concept of the collective mind, a single mind that all of mankind use, is a fable told by the ruling class.

     Further, it is pure sophistry to claim suffering as a virtue. In the past, I have sought a pleasant life but refuse to admit that continued suffering is incompatible with what is good and noble. I weaponized suffering by turning to snide remarks, ridicule, and harsh judgment.

     The old woman chimed in. Over the years, I have accumulated a few pleasantries. Spiritually my life is barren.

     The little girl and the old woman came to a consensus and agreed to be one. To become one is not to deny either but to become whole. To be whole is to be present.

     Then the word became present. The spiritual word said, “Only the soul who is present can access the God Mind. If his consciousness is in the past, then he is a primitive-man. Primitive man implies an ignorant or uncultivated mind. The term assumes that man of old lacked the intellectual capacity to contemplate the God mind. If his consciousness is in the future, then he does not exists. A future centric consciousness is a subjectivist theory that might-makes-right and the accumulation of power is the only solution. Subjectivism is a condition of the collective mind. Tear yourself away from the masses that is the collective mind. Modern man is solitary.

     The collective mind come to you and ask that you cast your lot in with them. They only seek to steal your lot. They will tell you that for you to be strong, you must unite with them. They will gather you to lay in wait for the blood of those they hate. They will paint a picture of perfection then open its door to reveal the decay and wickedness within. Reject the collective mind with all your heart and soul. That is the gift of free will.

     You are a solitary soul. So, it is justice you want? Bind yourself in mercy and truth. Mercy means sensitiveness to the feelings of others and acknowledgment that you are God’s perfection. To walk in truth is to keep sound wisdom and discernment. The ways to sound wisdom and discernment are to acknowledge God. God will direct your path. God is at the lectern, are you present? 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Thinker

     A tall man walked in. He had to dip his head under the top of the door frame. “Greetings”, he said to the proprietor.
      He gazed down, “I need a room”, he said.
     “I have been driving all day. Those long drives tire me out - but I had time to think.”
     He said, “Man thinks about the material world and about how people attempt to get around the difficulties of a material world with thoughts.”
     The tall man told the proprietor how funny it was to be thinking about thinking. He told the proprietor how the great thinkers’ thoughts were faulty because of inefficiencies of the thinker and their need for survival. Survival of the cerebral patterns of the brain organism therefore could not eliminate the self-preserving thoughts of the thinker and therefore not be occupied with the greater good. The thinker contrives that survival righteousness.
     “So, the thinkers thoughts manifested more thoughts. The thoughts became thoughts and the thinker deemed the thoughts good. The thoughts thought the thought, thought the thinker,” he chuckled.
            “God as the supreme Good is the only moral righteousness,” he said as he accepted his room key.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Chapter III

     She is the baby sister of the baby-boomer generation. The baby-boomer generation was the children of the American soldier returning from World War II. The soldier of World War II had sailed a continent away to confronted communist forces determined to conquer the world and perpetrated ethnic genocide. The soldiers believed they were saving the world across the great pond. Their children, however, envisioned changing the world through self-expression in the arts, their sexuality, and objection to the establishment that perpetuated wars and social injustices. While there were some that were more interested in the free love, there were those that faced the very tangible forces racism with granite-like determination. Like the Greek mythological creature Cerberus, two heads of racism were sanctimoniousness and barbaric violence protected by the third head. The third head is an unjust judicial system. The Cerberus weapons of choice were ropes, and chains, and guns and their laws. The baby-boomers knew that they could not change the minds of the Cerberus who cloaked itself in the protectionism of their possession and in faux patriotism. The Cerberus was sedated by the signing of the Civil Rights Act on July 4, 1964. The baby-boomer put down their protest signs. They replaced the faded jeans and khakis with pressed twill with warm wool. While they sought to join a new movement of the corporate upwardly mobile, little did they know that the Cerberus was growing another head and many of those that were at once interested in free love had become its minions.
     The baby sisters and baby brothers set their sights on lofty and sublime goals of partaking of all that the world had to offer. The world was now a smorgasbord. The world served up on a mile long banquet tables waiting for the tasting in a world that appeared to be at peace. Little sister had embraced the inherent nature of the last born. With little regards to financial means, the adventure was paramount. She has dined at the captain's tables, cooled the Bhut Jolokia peppers with a cold beer, and eaten raw catches from the sea. However, more dining nights are behind her than in front; she had finally resigned herself to a rather simple pallet of chicken, domestic beer, sweet iced tea, water and a little vegetable greenery on the side. Little sister is on an errand and must act with haste and purpose. She shall not taste death until she has seen the kingdom of God.

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Part I

A man and a woman come together in intimacy.
A form is conceived. The baby is born.
He does not know goodness, he does not know evilness.
His evil happens without effort.
When his form is complete
When he is ready to enter this world,
he cares not at all the destruction his birth causes. The mother sighs and the child takes a breath.
The child is of the flesh. The will to survive is all that exists.
The sin of the child is that which the mother must suffer for her child, but it is not the mother’s sin to accept.
God breaths a soul into the child and He cleanses the mother.
At about three or four years of age, the child gains complete control over his legs and arms and he has since forgotten his birth experience.
The savagery of birth forgotten. He becomes aware of his senses. The senses are developing a new quest. That quest is for knowledge. 

Part II

However, as with the same savagery of birth, he continues to labor for his own sakes.
When he is hungry, he eats.
Procrastinate until a better season. The seasons of life – there may be few seasons
there may be many.
Knowledge brings new hunger and desire.
The pulsing beat of arousal and desire
Desire profoundly, grasping and groping.
Life is a pilgrimage, with liberation of the objective, the living stages transform into reverence and vigilance.

Part III

Step outside feelings. The only one that speaks to feelings is oneself.
The Lord speaks to him
The human brain interprets the Lord as a melody
The voice is a melody
The human brain interprets the Lord as a sign
The spirit sees signs
The human brain interprets the Lord as wisdom
The mouth speaks in wisdom
The person has a personal self that wants to step in and take ownership. Be the sole author.
Beginnings ❔

