Thursday, September 27, 2018


Part I

A man and a woman come together in intimacy.
A form is conceived. The baby is born.
He does not know goodness, he does not know evilness.
His evil happens without effort.
When his form is complete
When he is ready to enter this world,
he cares not at all the destruction his birth causes. The mother sighs and the child takes a breath.
The child is of the flesh. The will to survive is all that exists.
The sin of the child is that which the mother must suffer for her child, but it is not the mother’s sin to accept.
God breaths a soul into the child and He cleanses the mother.
At about three or four years of age, the child gains complete control over his legs and arms and he has since forgotten his birth experience.
The savagery of birth forgotten. He becomes aware of his senses. The senses are developing a new quest. That quest is for knowledge. 

Part II

However, as with the same savagery of birth, he continues to labor for his own sakes.
When he is hungry, he eats.
Procrastinate until a better season. The seasons of life – there may be few seasons
there may be many.
Knowledge brings new hunger and desire.
The pulsing beat of arousal and desire
Desire profoundly, grasping and groping.
Life is a pilgrimage, with liberation of the objective, the living stages transform into reverence and vigilance.

Part III

Step outside feelings. The only one that speaks to feelings is oneself.
The Lord speaks to him
The human brain interprets the Lord as a melody
The voice is a melody
The human brain interprets the Lord as a sign
The spirit sees signs
The human brain interprets the Lord as wisdom
The mouth speaks in wisdom
The person has a personal self that wants to step in and take ownership. Be the sole author.
Beginnings ❔

